Our Parameters

Parameters Adton Crystal Brite Adton Hyper Clean
Adton Pure Choice
Moisture Content (%) 15 Max 15 Max 15 Max
pH (10% Suspension) 2.5 to 3.5 4 to 5 5 to 7
Particle Size Passing (9Omicron) 80 Min 80 Min 80 Min
Average Particle Size (micron) 23 Min 21 Min 25 Min
Bleaching Efficiency %
(Against. Lab Standard Sample )
95 Min 95 Min 95 Min
Acidity As H2S0O4% 0.4 Max 0.4 Max 0.4 Max
Residual Acidity (MgKOHIg) 2.5(+1) 2.5(+1) 2.5(+1)
Absolute Bulk Density (gm/litre)DE 6 650 Max 650 Max 750 Max
BET Surface Area (m2/gm) 300 Max 300 Max 300 Max